Favorite Image of 2015 – First Train Ride
- 2 February 2016
- The Spragues
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Here First Train Ride
My parents were planning to take our daughter to Boston via train, which would have been her first time. In the days leading up to this I was sitting around the house thinking to myself, “I can’t miss my daughter’s first train ride!!!” So I casually asked Kate, my wife, what she thought of taking Addison on a short trip one stop down the line, just for fun. Kate immediately latched onto the idea and that got me even more excited, so we planned a short day trip.
Day of I was quite nervous. I knew she was going to be very curious and wanted to make sure that I captured this once in a lifetime moment. I also knew that the train ride was less than 8 minutes long so I wasn’t going to have a lot of time. Luckily for me she spent the entire ride pinned to the window. And the light was great, being window light and all!
So I am shooting along at f/1.4 as I often do; and everything is a blur, mentally and physically. When it hits me that I should stop down the aperture so that I can show some motion blur going on outside. Right after that thought hits me, I remember a favorite image of my first photography instructor where a little boy is staring out a house window seemingly at himself. And then it happens. My whole photography career boiled down into one single moment. One frame and a ton of luck. Her perfect golden hair. The randomly chosen jean jacket. The perfect mixture of ambers and greens passing by. And somehow, at 1/25th of a second it is still tack sharp… I still don’t know how I did that.
So I would say the lesson here is to keep learning. Keep shooting. And be ready for your moment… it is coming.
Also I want to thank LOOKSLIKEFILM for featuring me as their artist of the month! This photo and story are part of the feature which you can see here http://www.lookslikefilm.com/blog/2016/3/1/artist-of-the-month-daniel-aaron-sprague
The Spragues
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